EXCLUSIVE! 30 seconds with Matthew Lewis


Hurrah. Here we are to bring you another excluuusive 30 second interview with another Potter-Person. This time it’s the delightful and rather dishy Matthew Lewis who plays Neville Longbottom in the HP films. Since Neville has a larger role in the final book, we’re dying to hear his thoughts. On with it!

Have you finished reading Deathly Hallows yet? What did you think?

Nope, I’m about 50 pages from the end. It’s been crazy what with all the fighting and stuff. Been a hell of a ride though!

Are you looking forward to Neville’s larger role later on?

Yea, I really am, it’s a totally different direction yet totally believable despite not having seen it happen to Neville throughout the book firsthand. Truly can’t wait.

And what you’re alll thinking: You’re so good looking outside of the movies, how on EARTH do they make you look so goofy for the role of Neville?

Haha, that’s very nice of you to say. I have to wear a fat suit, bits of plastic behind my ears to stick them out. I have silly Neville hair and an atrocious wardrobe. Still, that’s acting I guess ;-).

Matt points out that this took exactly 62 seconds to complete as opposed to the usual 30 seconds – hope you don’t feel cheated :p

Many thanks to Matt for taking the time out to do this. A valuable 60 seconds he could’ve spent working out a Countdown conundrum. We love you.

~ by scribbulus on July 31, 2007.

8 Responses to “EXCLUSIVE! 30 seconds with Matthew Lewis”

  1. haha cool!

  2. *sniff* I’m still upset that you didn’t tell him to be packed and ready for me to pick him up. ;_;

  3. Ahhh gotta love him :D


  5. Love him!!!

  6. hes amazing

  7. He’s sooooo cute!!

  8. He is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute and he’s really a great guy! or seems that way :)

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